Does Height Really Determine Career Success?

 There is also a number of stars who are uncomfortable working with actors who are significantly taller for fear of appearing too short. They can have a significant influence on the casting choices of a film. Then there is the aspect of taller men by and large choosing to participate sports over performing arts early on in school, thus leaving a smaller pool of skilled taller actors for films.”


  1. What a pretty lady. Wish you the best.

  2. خانم متين زيبا و گرامى ، از آن رو زيبا و دلنشينى كه با وقار و متينى ، گر جلف و سبك سر بودى اين چنين نمى درخشيدى ، پيروز و خدمتگزار ايرانزمين باشى

  3. قیافش خیلی دهاتیه

  4. باسلام ودرود
    ای بانوی گرامی، کاش میتوانستم با شما یک قصه بسازم.

  5. دهاتی خودتی که نمی بینی چه هیکل مشدیی داره