Highlights after President Trump’s leaving the nuclear deal

 The president argues that easing these restrictions over time would open the door to Iran’s attaining nuclear weapons capability, rendering the JCPOA ultimately ineffective. But supporters of the Iran deal dispute that and say the JCPOA at least buys time, subjecting to strong constraints on its nuclear activities for 10 to 25 years.


  1. همه این مشنگ بازی از برکت دلار یامفت نفتی‌ هست

    • وقتیکه خرد در مغز نیست جان دراعذاب است چه شوده بشما ویزا یاگرین کارن ندادن آقای اوباما یااوبی شما برو باز پرچم بسوزان ویزا نمیدیم.