Politicians and Celebrities that have been accused of Harassment

Roy Moore, the controversial GOP nominee for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama, had contact with a 14-year-old in the 1970s, and pursued two other teenaged girls, according to a bombshell Washington Post report published early Thursday afternoon. Leigh Corfman told the Post that she met Moore, then a 32-year-old district attorney, outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Alabama.

8. Roy Moore

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  1. یک عده از زنان مثل اینکه از هم یاد گرفتن اتو بگیرن الکی بگن ابهمون تجاوز کردن حالا یا میخوان پول بگیرن یا اینکه با طرف مشکل شخصی دارن میخوان تلافی کنن.وگرنه مثلا آزار جنسی لفظی رو چه جوری میخوان ثابت کنند یا تجاوز فیزیکی رو؟