Most Valuable Body Parts & Fluids On The Underground Market

The kidney, is the most controversial because unlike most other organs, you have two, and you can live with only one of them. Spiking the crime filter into the topic, people have found a way to earn a hefty payday, and still keep you living and breathing (for now). It is without a doubt a criminal and absolutely shocking reality, that humans now have to watch out for people plotting to steal their internal organs! Interestingly, this puts us in the shoes of every animal on this list.


7. Human Kidneys – $200,000/organ

One comment

  1. The fish you mean is the ‘totoaba’ – Cynoscion macdonaldi, the Mexican giant croaker.

    The Chinese are hardly the only culprits in the decimation of the totoaba. While the Chinese prize their recipe for Seen Kow (a rare, regal, expensive soup-stock), which is made from the totoaba’s ‘buche’ (air bladder), through the 1960s, southern Californians ran through huge quantities ‘Totuava Filet’ packets that were sold openly in the supermarkets, oblivious to the industrial-scale slaughter of the giant fish 150-miles away in the northern Sea of Cortez.